Source code for nbkode.core


    Definition for Solver base class.

    :copyright: 2020 by nbkode Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from abc import ABC, ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from numbers import Real
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate._ivp.common import (

from . import event_handler
from .buffer import AlignedBuffer
from .nbcompat import is_jitted, numba
from .util import CaseInsensitiveDict

class MetaSolver(ABCMeta):
    def __repr__(cls):
        return f"<{cls.__name__}>"

class Solver(ABC, metaclass=MetaSolver):
    """Base class for all solvers

    rhs : callable
        Right-hand side of the system. The calling signature is ``fun(t, y)``.
        Here ``t`` is a scalar, andthe ndarray ``y`` hasna shape (n,);
        then ``fun`` must return array_like with shape (n,).
    t0 : float
        Initial time.
    y0 : array_like, shape (n,)
        Initial state.
    params : array_like
        Extra arguments to be passed to the fun as ``fun(t, y, params)``
    t_bound : float, optional (default np.inf)
        The integration won’t continue beyond this value. Use it only to stop
        the integrator when the solution or ecuation has problems after this point.
        To obtain the solution at a given timepoint use `run`.
        In fixed step methods, the integration stops just before t_bound.
        In variable step methods, the integration stops at t_bound.

    t : float
        Current time.
    y : ndarray
        Current state.
    f : ndarray
        last evaluation of the rhs.
    step_size : float
        Size of the last successful step. None if no steps were made yet.

    SOLVERS = CaseInsensitiveDict()
    SOLVERS_BY_GROUP = CaseInsensitiveDict()

    ALIASES = ()

    LEN_HISTORY: int = 2

    GROUP: str = None
    IMPLICIT: bool
    FIXED_STEP: bool

    #: Callable provided by the user
    #: The signature should be (t: float, y: ndarray)  -> ndarray
    #: or
    #: The signature should be (t: float, y: ndarray, p: ndarray)  -> ndarray
    rhs: Callable

    #: user rhs (same as rhs if it was originally jitted and with the right signature)
    user_rhs: Callable

    #: extra arguments for the user callable
    params: np.ndarray or None

    #: Last LEN_HISTORY times (ts), states (ys) and derivatives (fs)
    cache: AlignedBuffer

    #: Classmethods that build steps functions for a particular method.
    _fixed_step_builder: Callable
    _step_builder: Callable

    #: Define which interpolator should be used
    #: None -> self._interpolate
    #: Other -> other.evaluate
    _interpolator = None

    def __init__(
        rhs: Callable,
        t0: float,
        y0: np.ndarray,
        params: np.ndarray = None,
        h: float = None,
        t_bound: float = np.inf,
        self.t_bound = t_bound

        if params is not None:
            params = np.ascontiguousarray(params)

        self.user_rhs = rhs

        # TODO: check if it is jitted or njitted. Not sure if this is possible
        # if it has not been executed.
        if not is_jitted(rhs):
            rhs = numba.njit(rhs)

        # TODO: A better way to make it partial?
        if params is None:
            self.rhs = rhs
            self.rhs = numba.njit(lambda t, y: rhs(t, y, params))

        if h is not None:  # It might be set automatically
            self.h = np.array(h, dtype=float)
        elif not hasattr(self, "h"):  # TODO: Make it better.
            self.h = 1

        t0 = float(t0)
        y0 = np.array(y0, dtype=float, ndmin=1)
        self.cache = AlignedBuffer(self.LEN_HISTORY, t0, y0, self.rhs(t0, y0))

    def __init_subclass__(cls, abstract=False, **kwargs):
        """Initialize Solver subclass by building step methods.

        If abstract is True, the class represents a family/group of methods.
        If abstract is False, builds cls._fixed_step and cls._step, and adds
        the corresponding solver to the SOLVERS_BY_GROUP dictionary.
        if not abstract:
            if not isinstance(cls.LEN_HISTORY, int):
                raise ValueError(f"{cls.__name__}.LEN_HISTORY must be an integer.")

            elif cls.LEN_HISTORY < 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"While defining {cls.__name__}, "
                    f"LEN_HISTORY cannot be smaller than 1"

            for name_or_alias in (cls.__name__,) + cls.ALIASES:
                if name_or_alias in cls.SOLVERS:
                    raise Exception(
                        f"Duplicate name/alias {cls.__name__} in {cls} "
                        f"collides with {cls.SOLVERS[name_or_alias]}"
                cls.SOLVERS[name_or_alias] = cls
            if cls.GROUP not in cls.SOLVERS_BY_GROUP:
                cls.SOLVERS_BY_GROUP[cls.GROUP] = []

            cls._fixed_step = staticmethod(cls._fixed_step_builder())

            step = cls._step_builder()

            def _step(t_bound, rhs, cache, h, *args):
                if cache.t + h > t_bound:
                    return False
                    step(rhs, cache, h, *args)
                    return True

            cls._step = staticmethod(_step)

    def _fixed_step_builder(cls):
        """Builds the _fixed_step function of the method."""

    def _step_builder(cls):
        """Builds the _step function of the method."""

    def t(self):
        return self.cache.t

    def y(self):
        return self.cache.y

    def f(self):
        return self.cache.f

    def _check_time(self, t):
        if t > self.t_bound:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Time {t} is larger than solver bound time t_bound={self.t_bound}"

    def step(self, *, n: int = None, upto_t: float = None) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]:
        """Advance simulation `n` steps or until the next timepoint will go beyond `upto_t`.

        It records and output all intermediate steps.

        - `step()` is equivalent to `step(n=1)`
        - `step(n=<number>)` is equivalent to `step(n=<number>, upto_t=np.inf)`
        - `step(upto_t=<number>)` is similar to `step(n=`np.inf`, upto_t=<number>)`

        If `upto_t < self.t`, returns empty arrays for time and state.

        n : int, optional
            Number of steps.
        upto_t : float, optional

        np.ndarray, np.ndarray
            time vector, state array

            One of the timepoints provided is outside the valid range.
            The integrator reached `t_bound`.
        if upto_t is not None and upto_t < self.t:
            return np.asarray([]), np.asarray([])

        if n is None and upto_t is None:
            # No parameters, make one step.
            if self._step(self.t_bound, *self._step_args):
                return np.atleast_1d(self.t), self.y
        elif upto_t is None:
            # Only n is given, make n steps. If t_bound is reached, raise an exception.
            ts, ys, scon = self._nsteps(n, self.t_bound, self._step, *self._step_args)
            if scon:
                raise RuntimeError("Integrator reached t_bound.")
            return ts, ys
        elif n is None:
            # Only upto_t is given, move until that value.
            # t_bound will not be reached a it due to validation in _check_time
            ts, ys, scon = self._steps(upto_t, self._step, *self._step_args)
            return ts, ys
            # Both parameters are given, move until either condition is reached.
            # t_bound will not be reached a it due to validation in _check_time
            ts, ys, scon = self._nsteps(n, upto_t, self._step, *self._step_args)
            return ts, ys

    def skip(self, *, n: int = None, upto_t: float = None) -> None:
        """Advance simulation `n` steps or until the next timepoint will go beyond `upto_t`.

        Unlike `step` or `run`, this method does not output the time and state.

        - `skip()` is equivalent to `skip(n=1)`
        - `skip(n=<number>)` is equivalent to `skip(n=<number>, upto_t=np.inf)`
        - `skip(upto_t=<number>)` is similar to `skip(n=`np.inf`, upto_t=<number>)`

        If `upto_t < self.t`, does nothing.

        n : int, optional
            Number of steps.
        upto_t : float, optional
            Time to reach.

            One of the timepoints provided is outside the valid range.
            The integrator reached `t_bound`.
        if upto_t is not None and upto_t < self.t:

        if n is None and upto_t is None:
            # No parameters, make one step.
            self._nskip(1, self.t_bound, self._step, *self._step_args)
        elif upto_t is None:
            # Only n is given, make n steps. If t_bound is reached, raise an exception.
            if self._nskip(n, self.t_bound, self._step, *self._step_args):
                raise RuntimeError("Integrator reached t_bound.")
        elif n is None:
            # Only upto_t is given, move until that value.
            # t_bound will not be reached a it due to validation in _check_time
            self._skip(upto_t, self._step, *self._step_args)
            # Both parameters are given, move until either condition is reached.
            # t_bound will not be reached a it due to validation in _check_time
            self._nskip(n, upto_t, self._step, *self._step_args)

    def run(self, t: Union[Real, np.ndarray]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        """Integrates the ODE interpolating at each of the timepoints `t`.

        t : float or array-like

        np.ndarray, np.ndarray
            time vector, state vector

            One of the timepoints provided is outside the valid range.
        return self.run_events(t, None)[:2]

    def run_events(
        t: Union[Real, np.ndarray],
        events: Optional[Union[Callable, Iterable[Callable]]],
    ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        """Integrates the ODE interpolating at each of the timepoints `t`.

        (events follows the SciPy `solve_ivp` API)

        t : float or array-like
        events : callable, or list of callables (length N)
            Events to track. If None (default), no events will be tracked.
            Each event occurs at the zeros of a continuous function of time and
            state. Each function must have the signature ``event(t, y)`` and return
            a float. The solver will find an accurate value of `t` at which
            ``event(t, y(t)) = 0`` using a root-finding algorithm. By default, all
            zeros will be found. The solver looks for a sign change over each step,
            so if multiple zero crossings occur within one step, events may be
            missed. Additionally each `event` function might have the following
                terminal: bool, optional
                    Whether to terminate integration if this event occurs.
                    Implicitly False if not assigned.
                direction: float, optional
                    Direction of a zero crossing. If `direction` is positive,
                    `event` will only trigger when going from negative to positive,
                    and vice versa if `direction` is negative. If 0, then either
                    direction will trigger event. Implicitly 0 if not assigned.
            You can assign attributes like ``event.terminal = True`` to any
            function in Python.

        t : ndarray, shape (n_points,)
            Time points.
        y : ndarray, shape (n, n_points)
            Values of the solution at `t`.
        t_events : list of ndarray (length N)
            Contains for each event type a list of arrays at which an event of
            that type event was detected. Empty list if no `events`.
        y_events : list of ndarray (length N)
            For each value of `t_events`, the corresponding value of the solution.
            Empty list if no `events`.

            One of the timepoints provided is outside the valid range.
        t = np.atleast_1d(t).astype(np.float64)

        is_t_sorted = t.size == 1 or np.all(t[:-1] <= t[1:])

        if not is_t_sorted:
            ndx = np.argsort(t)
            t = t[ndx]

        if t[0] < self.cache.ts[0]:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Cannot interpolate at t={t[0]} as it is smaller "
                f"than the current smallest value in history ({self.cache.ts[0]})"


        to_interpolate = t <= self.t
        is_to_interpolate = np.any(to_interpolate)
        if is_to_interpolate:
            t_old = t[to_interpolate]
            y_old = np.asarray([self.interpolate(_t) for _t in t_old])
            t_to_run = t[np.logical_not(to_interpolate)]
            t_to_run = t

        # t_bound will not be reached a it due to validation in _check_time
        if events:
            eh = event_handler.build_handler(events, self.t, self.y)
            ts, ys, scon = self._run_eval_events(

            # We cast here to a Python List to avoid exposing a Numbatype
            t_events = [list(event.t) for event in]
            y_events = [list(event.y) for event in]
            ts, ys, scon = self._run_eval(
            t_events = []
            y_events = []

        if is_to_interpolate:
            ts = np.concatenate((t_old, ts))
            ys = np.concatenate((y_old, ys))

            if events:
                warnings.warning("Events for past events are not implemented yet.")

        if is_t_sorted:
            return ts, ys, t_events, y_events

        ondx = np.argsort(ndx)
        return ts[ondx], ys[ondx], t_events, y_events

    def interpolate(self, t: float) -> float:
        """Interpolate solution at t.

        This only works for values within the recorded history of the solver.
        of the solver instance

        t : float

            if the time is outside the recorded history.

        # TODO: make this work for array T

        if not (self.cache.ts[0] <= t <= self.cache.t):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Time {t} to interpolate outside range ([{self.cache.ts[0]}, {self.cache.t}])"

        return self._interpolate(t, *self._step_args)

    def _step(t_bound, rhs, cache, h, *args) -> bool:
        """Perform one integration step."""

    def _step_args(self):
        return self.rhs, self.cache, self.h

    def _steps(t_end, step, rhs, cache, *args):
        """Step forward until:
            - the next step goes beyond `t_end`

        The stop condition is in the output to unify the API with

        np.ndarray, np.ndarray, bool
            time vector, state array, stop condition (always True)
        t_out = []
        y_out = []

        while step(t_end, rhs, cache, *args):

        out = np.empty((len(y_out), cache.y.size))
        for ndx, yi in enumerate(y_out):
            out[ndx] = yi

        return np.array(t_out), out, True

    def _nsteps(n_steps, t_end, step, rhs, cache, *args):
        """Step forward until:
            - the next step goes beyond `t_end`
            - `n_steps` steps are done.

        np.ndarray, np.ndarray, bool
            time vector, state array, stop condition

        Stop condition
            True if the integrator stopped due to the time condition.
            False, otherwise (it was able to run all all steps).

        t_out = np.empty((n_steps,))
        y_out = np.empty((n_steps, cache.y.size))

        for ndx in range(n_steps):

            if not step(t_end, rhs, cache, *args):
                return t_out[:ndx], y_out[:ndx], True

            t_out[ndx] = cache.t
            y_out[ndx] = cache.y

        return t_out, y_out, False

    def _skip(t_end, step, rhs, cache, *args) -> bool:
        """Perform all steps required, stopping just before going beyond t_end.

        The stop condition is in the output to unify the API with `nsteps`

            stop_condition (always True)

        while step(t_end, rhs, cache, *args):
        return True

    def _nskip(n_steps, t_end, step, rhs, cache, *args) -> bool:
        """Step forward until:
            - the next step goes beyond `t_end`
            - `n_steps` steps are done.

        np.ndarray, np.ndarray, bool
            time vector, state array, stop condition

        Stop condition
            True if the integrator stopped due to the time condition.
            False, otherwise (it was able to run all all steps).
        for _ in range(n_steps):
            if not step(t_end, rhs, cache, *args):
                return True
        return False

    def _interpolate(t_eval, rhs, cache, *args):
        """Interpolate solution at t_eval.

        Does not check that t_eval is valid, that is, that it is not extrapolating.
        t0, y0 = cache.ts[0], cache.ys[0]
        if t_eval == t0:
            return y0

        dt, dy = cache.t - t0, cache.y - y0
        f0, f1 = cache.fs[0], cache.f

        T = (t_eval - t0) / dt
        return (
            + T * dy
            + T * (T - 1) * ((1 - 2 * T) * dy + dt * ((T - 1) * f0 + T * f1))

    def _run_eval(
        t_bound: float,
        t_eval: np.ndarray,
    ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, bool]:
        """Run up to t, evaluating y at given t and return (t, y) as arrays."""

        y_out = np.empty((t_eval.size, cache.y.size))

        for ndx, ti in enumerate(t_eval):
            while cache.t < ti:
                if not step(t_bound, rhs, cache, *args):
                    return t_eval[:ndx], y_out[:ndx], True
            y_out[ndx] = interpolate(ti, rhs, cache, *args)

        return t_eval, y_out, False

    def _run_eval_events(
        t_bound: float,
        t_eval: np.ndarray,
        event_handler: event_handler.EventHandler,
    ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, bool]:
        """Run up to t, evaluating y at given t and return (t, y) as arrays."""

        y_out = np.empty((t_eval.size, cache.y.size))

        for ndx, ti in enumerate(t_eval):
            while cache.t < ti:
                if not step(t_bound, rhs, cache, *args):
                    return t_eval[:ndx], y_out[:ndx], True
                if event_handler.evaluate(interpolate, rhs, cache, *args):
                    # Append termination value.
                    t_eval[ndx], y_out[ndx] = event_handler.last_event
                    return t_eval[: ndx + 1], y_out[: ndx + 1], True
            y_out[ndx] = interpolate(ti, rhs, cache, *args)

        return t_eval, y_out, False

variable_step_options = (

@numba.jitclass([(s, numba.float64) for s in variable_step_options])
class VariableStepOptions:
    def __init__(
        atol: float = 1e-6,
        rtol: float = 1e-3,
        min_step: float = 1e-15,
        max_step: float = np.inf,
        min_factor: float = 0.2,
        max_factor: float = 10.0,
        safety_factor: float = 0.9,
        self.atol = atol
        self.rtol = rtol
        self.min_step = min_step
        self.max_step = max_step
        self.min_factor = min_factor
        self.max_factor = max_factor
        self.safety_factor = safety_factor

class VariableStep:
    # instance attributes
    first_step: Optional[float]
    options: VariableStepOptions

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.options = VariableStepOptions(
            **{k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in variable_step_options if k in kwargs}
        h = kwargs.pop("first_step", None)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        validate_tol(self.options.rtol, self.options.atol, self.y.size)
        if h is None:
            h = select_initial_step(
        self.h = np.array(h, dtype=float)

def check(solver, implicit=None, fixed_step=None, runge_kutta=None, multistep=None):
    if implicit is not None:
        if solver.IMPLICIT is not implicit:
            return False
    if fixed_step is not None:
        if solver.FIXED_STEP is not fixed_step:
            return False
    if runge_kutta is not None:
        from .runge_kutta.core import RungeKutta

        if issubclass(solver, RungeKutta) is not runge_kutta:
            return False
    if multistep is not None:
        from .multistep.core import Multistep

        if issubclass(solver, Multistep) is not multistep:
            return False
    return True

[docs]def get_solvers( *groups, implicit=None, fixed_step=None, runge_kutta=None, multistep=None ): """Get available solvers. Parameters ---------- groups : str name of the group to filter implicit : bool if True, only implicit solvers will be returned. fixed_step : bool if True, only fixed step solvers will be returned. Returns ------- tuple(Solver) """ if not groups: groups = Solver.SOLVERS_BY_GROUP.keys() out = [] for group in groups: try: out.extend( filter( lambda solver: check( solver, implicit, fixed_step, runge_kutta, multistep ), Solver.SOLVERS_BY_GROUP[group], ) ) except KeyError: m = tuple(Solver.SOLVERS_BY_GROUP.keys()) raise KeyError(f"Group {group} not found. Valid values: {m}") return tuple(out)
[docs]def get_groups(): """Get group names.""" return tuple(sorted(Solver.SOLVERS_BY_GROUP.keys()))
_VALID_NAME_ALIAS = None def list_solvers( fmt_string="{cls.__name__}", alias_fmt_string="{name} (alias of {cls.__name__})", include_alias=True, ): out = [] for k, v in Solver.SOLVERS.items(): if k == v.__name__: out.append(fmt_string.format(cls=v, name=k)) elif include_alias: out.append(alias_fmt_string.format(cls=v, name=k)) return out def get_solver(name_or_alias): try: return Solver.SOLVERS[name_or_alias] except KeyError: pass global _VALID_NAME_ALIAS if not _VALID_NAME_ALIAS: _VALID_NAME_ALIAS = "- " + "\n- ".join(sorted(list_solvers())) raise ValueError( f"No solver named {name_or_alias}, valid options are:\n{_VALID_NAME_ALIAS}" )